Awesome Tech Tips That Will Save You Time

Technology has made the lives of millions pretty simple. However, just like it has helped people by making lives faster, it has also slowed down many in several ways. If you wish to search some important piece of news or information, you quickly turn to the internet. You search on Google and also have various shortcuts on your iPhone or PC. If you wish to make good use of technology, you need to know the right technique to use it. Without the right technique even the best technology will be of no use to you. Here are some tips that will help to save your precious time while using the latest technology.

  • Use The Right Click to Search Google: While reading something on the internet or while browsing photos, there may be times when you wish to learn more about someone on a specific photo or find out more about some term. Instead of opening another browser tab, simply right click on the image or term and choose the “Search Google” option from the menu. You will immediately see another tab open with the search results on the chosen topic.
  • Use the Scroll Wheel to Get a New Tab: There may be times when you wish to open a link to something in a new tab. This is where you mouse will prove rather useful to you. Place the cursor on the link and click down on the scroll wheel. You will automatically witness the link open in a new tab. This will save you a lot of time in having to open a new tab, copying the link and pasting it on the browser.
  • Use Keyword Shortcuts: It has probably been decades since the introduction of various keyword shortcuts. Unfortunately, there are still many of you who seldom use such shortcuts. Just as an example, pressing down the CTRL and A button together will select an entire page. Holding down the ALT button and pressing the left arrow button will take you back to the previous page on your web browser. However, on a Mac, you need to use the Command key instead of the CTRL key.
  • Find Things Faster On Your PC With The Help Of Natural Language: There may be times when searching for some specific files stored in a random folder in your PC or Mac may be a lengthy process. It may consume a lot of your precious time. You may use Cortana on Windows 10 or even Windows Search to search for such files on your PC. On a Mac you may use Siri or Spotlight.
  • Access the Various Emoji Menu in your MacOS: If you find it difficult to express yourself in words, you may seek the help of a suitable emoji on your Mac. It hardly takes a few minutes to find the right and most suitable emoji. Simply hold down the Command, CTRL and Spacebar keys at the same time and you will find an emoji list on the screen to choose from.

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