Jill Popovich

Gregg Popovich’s Daughter – Jill Popovich Wiki (Bio, Age, Height, Education, Family)

Jill Popovich is the daughter of the famous NBA coach known as “Pop” – the only coach in history to have the most wins in the entire National Basketball Association, and the president & coach of the San Antonio Spurs basketball team. There isn’t much information out there regarding much of Gregg Popovich’s life, but it is known  that his children are successful in their own right as well (or at least can be assumed by the lack of information out there on them). His daughter, Jill Popovich, is known to want to pursue the dreams and carry on the life and wishes of Gregg’s wife, Erin Popovich. Being an advocate to help the needy, we’re going to cover things that you may have not known about Gregg Popovich’s life and his children – in this article, his daughter Jill.

Some Facts About Jill Popovich

Here are some things that you may find interesting about the daughter of the most iconic basketball coach of all time:

  • Jill Popovich was able to grow up with her big brother Micky Popovich.
  • Just like her brother, and even Gregg Popovich’s personal life outside of basketball, Jill remains just as secretive as the rest of the family in the entertainment news world.
  • Jill’s mother passed away due to a interstitial lung disease after prolonged illness.
  • Many don’t know that during Erin Popovich’s final moments, Jill was seen often taking care of her mother.
  • She is known to have a high active status when it comes to being a dedicated caregiver and supporter for charities involving ILD.

Following Her Mother’s Footsteps

Although there isn’t much information on the Popovich children, it is known that Jill’s mother Erin was a woman who while fighting with her own lung disease for years wanted to help those in need. ILD patients often have a lot of fees for medication and therapy sessions, physical therapy sessions, and more. When Erin passed, Erin’s pulmonologist, the famed Dr. Jario Melo, helped to start a charity in her honor with the Chest Foundation – Erin’s Endowment.

While Erin was ill, she wanted to help other people who suffered from this. It’s also known that while the entire family is very active in the charity of these patients and the foundation, Erin is a very big donator and helper to increase patient and doctor relationships of patients who succumb to these diseases.

It’s Unclear of Their Health

While there have been many scares over the years from Gregg Popovich’s health, and his late wife Erin’s health as well, it’s unclear as to whether any of his children have any health problems – including Jill. It is known that the family is very big on helping other types of sufferers of chronic diseases (not just ILD either) because of what the family had to endure during the times where Erin Popovich suffered.

What’s in A Name? – Jill Popovich

While Popovich is a very popular name, it’s mainly known as a surname (which means last name). However, the name Jill itself is an English name meaning “child of the Gods” – with both of Gregg Popovich’s children having such spiritual names, it’s no surprise the family is a very dedicated and charitable family,.


There isn’t much known about whether or not Jill Popovich is married and has children, or whether Gregg Popovich’s son Micky is the one that is married and has kids – but it is known that she remains extremely secretive. Nobody knows where she lives, anything about her in the media, or even her personal life – but her name is frequently found towards large contributions to those in need of dire health emergencies and illnesses worldwide.

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