Mariah Bird

Even if you did not follow the NBA on a regular basis, there is still a very good chance that you have heard about the legend named Larry Bird. Who you may not have heard about, however, is his daughter, who is named Mariah Bird. In case you were wondering who exactly Mariah Bird is, she is a famous star who was born and raised in the United States. She is currently working at Pacers Sports & Entertainment, however, her main claim to fame is being the adopted daughter of the very well-known NBA legend Larry Bird. Together with his wife Dinah Mattingly, the two have been able to raise a terrific child and human being. Here is everything that you need to know about Mariah Bird, the adopted daughter of NBA legend Larry Bird.

How Old is Mariah Bird?

Much of Mariah Bird’s childhood information is not publicly known. With that being said, Mariah’s date of birth, her current age, and even her birthday is not known and have not been released to the general public. Just know that as soon as this information is made public, you can expect this article to be updated immediately.

How Tall is Mariah Bird?

Since there is not a whole lot of information that has been released publicly about Mariah Bird and her physical stats, everything that is known about her height and weight must be derived from the photos that are released with her in them. This means that the actual height and weight numbers are not known about Mariah Bird. But what is known, is that Mariah seems to be at a healthy, moderate weight. As for how tall she is, she appears to be of average height, meaning that she is not too tall or too short. Again, there is not a whole lot of information that is known about Mariah Bird in this regard, so all of the guestimates about her height and weight are taken from photos and what she looks like relative to the surroundings in that photo.

Mariah Bird’s Parents

Mariah’s parents, Larry Bird and Dinah Mattingly would be two people who ended up meeting while they attended college at Indiana State University. Once the two met, it was almost like love at first site. This would lead the two to decide that they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together and get married on October 31, 1989. This would not be a rash decision made by them, as the two were dating exclusively for several years at this point. When they were originally married, Larry and Dinah would not have any kids.

It is for this reason that the two would decide that they wanted to adopt their children, opposed to having them the more traditional way. The two would end up adopting one boy and one girl, their names being Connor Bird and Mariah Bird. While these two would be the only children that Larry and Dinah would have together, Larry actually had another daughter from his previous marriage to Janet Condra, his first wife.

Born on August 14, 1977, Corrie Bird would be the result of Larry Bird and his first wife Janet Condra. Unfortunately, the relationship between the two would not last and a divorce would eventually happen, there is no doubting that fact that Larry and his daughter were more than excited to add to their family with Connor and Mariah.

Mariah Bird’s Education

Being that she is the daughter to an NBA legend, you may think that Mariah would be perfectly content to coast through life off the accomplishments of her father. However, you will be very happy to discover that this is not true by any means. In fact, Mariah actually graduated from high school with flying colors and decided that she would continue to further her education by attending Boston University, which is located in Boston, Massachusetts. It is here that she would study and eventually graduate.

As soon as she graduated from Boston University, she would join Indiana University Bloomington, which is located in Bloomington, Indiana. Here she would again graduate, this time earning the privilege to have a Bachelor of Science in Recreation.

Mariah Bird has been lucky to have been adopted by the great Larry Bird. While the future of Mariah is still unknown, only time will tell which direction she will decide to take her life in. With her education, her drive to succeed and the support of her family, there is no telling how successful Mariah Bird can end up being.

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